Transparency Seal

Transparency Banner
A Transparency Seal, prominently displayed on the main page of the website of a particular government agency,is a certificate that it has complied with the requirements of Section 93. This Seal links to a page within the agency’s website which contains an index of downloadable items of each of the above-mentioned documents.
A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless. Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value. The Transparency Seal, depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in access to government information. On the one hand, it hopes to inspire Filipinos in the civil service to be more open to citizen engagement; on the other, to invite the Filipino citizenry to exercise their right to participate in governance.
This initiative is envisioned as a step in the right direction towards solidifying the position of the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient – a shining example for democratic virtue in the region.

I. Agency’s mandates and functions, names of its officials with their position and designation, and contact information

III. Modifications made Pursuant to the General and Special Provisions in the FY 2022 GAA

  • ⮚   Not Applicable

IV. Annual Procurement Plan (APP)

Central Office

APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)


APP for Common-use Supplies and Equipment(APP-CSE)

APP Non-Common Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE)

Procurement Monitoring Report

List of Contracts Awarded with the winning supplier, contractor, or consultant

V. Major activities or projects categorized in Accordance with the 0-10 point socioeconomic agenda and their target beneficiaries

VII. Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs) and Continuing Appropriations

BAR No. 1 - Quarterly Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan (QPRO)

BED No. 1 - Financial Plan (Detailed Statement of Current Year's Obligations, ements and Unpaid Obligations)

FAR No. 1 - Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursement, and Balances(SAAODB)

FAR No. 1A - Summary of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements, and Balances by Object of Expenditures(SAAODBOE)

FAR No. 1B - List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments (LASA)

  • ⮚Not Applicable

FAR No. 1C - Statement of Obligations, Disbursemenets, Liquidations, and Balances for Inter-Agency Fund Transfers

  • ⮚Not Applicable

FAR No. 2 - Statement of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements and Balances(SADUBD)

FAR No. 2A - Summary of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements, and Balances by Object of Expenditures(SABUDBOE)

FAR No. 3 - Aging of Unpaid Obligations(ADDO)

FAR No. 4 - Summary Report on Disbursement(MRD)

FAR No. 5 - Quarterly Report of Revenue and Other Receipts(QRROR)

FAR No. 6 - Statement of Approved Budget, Utilization, Disbursements, and Balances for Trust Receipts

  • ⮚Not Applicable

VIII. People's Freedom of Information (FOI)

IX. Annual Reports on the status of income authorized by law to be retained or used and be deposited outside of the National Treasury, which shall include the legal basis for its retention or use, the beginning balance, income collected and its sources, expenditures, and ending balance for the preceding fiscal year

  • ⮚   **Not Applicable**

XI. Agency's Policy on the Establishment and Conduct of Agency Review and Compliance of Statement of Asset, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN)